Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Good Intentions Vs. Distractions

I will hold my hands up and freely admit that no matter what good intentions / aspirations I have as a mother and domestic-goddess, I am easily distracted from what I think I SHOULD be doing! The school-holidays have really thrown me, all the activities that structure my family-focused life and allow me to avoid housework have come to a grinding holt. Oh to be traipsing up and down the well-trodden route to my first-born's' pre-school, to tackle the weekly rugby-scrum that is playgroup or trying to control my second-born whilst her sister is in her ballet-class! My weekly routine has been shot-to-bits!
My resolutions for this week were to 1) have a shower immediately SB(second-born) awoke usually about 5.30am and 2) not drink any evil beverage which contains caffeine. Did I even come close to attempting either resolution? Not a hope, caffeine is the cornerstone of my life currently and who wants to have a shower when you can catch up on all the programmes you have recorded apres-9pm? Which in my case, I wouldn't have a hope in hell of keeping awake for!
Every day I switch on my computer with the premise of checking our bank account and end up spending hours on E-bay and Facebook and although I am fully aware that the children should not be spending their time in front of the TV - I believe CBeebies was created by the patron-saint of sleep-deprived mothers! Fortunately I have two children who are fairly independent and will play on their own for hours - but at the end of the day I need to get FOCUSED, not sure where to start yet, but I'll get there!
I am still avoiding housework and will try again next week with my other resolutions!


Her indoors said...

Love the blog...I am in that world too! Just keep posting ;-D

Her indoors said...

P.S. Thanks for the link ;-)